Why Sensitive People Are Some of the Greatest People You’ll Ever Meet

Sensitive people have been hiding under the label of Drama Queen or Attention Seeker. However, being friends with a sensitive person has some serious upsides. It’s time to remove the bad reputation from the sensitive person and allow them to be exactly who they are. Here are some reasons that…

10 Struggles Only Emotionally Detached People Will Understand

Being emotionally detached can have many positives – it suits our introverted personalities to keep the people at a safe distance. We are also great at handling criticism and we’re the go-to person for advice since we stay emotionless in drama-filled situations. However, there are also many drawbacks of being…

Why Deep People Often Feel Alone and Misunderstood (and What They Can Do about It)

Do you often feel alone and misunderstood by other people? Believe me, you are not the only one who feels this way. There are many people out there who feel alone and misunderstood and can even be underestimated by others because of certain personality traits. Paradoxically, these individuals are usually…

Loners Are Some of the Most Intellectual and Loyal People You’ll Ever Meet

Loners are some of the most intellectual and loyal people you would ever meet. In fact, their intelligence makes them capable of being content in solitude. That’s why I grow weary of all the negative talk about those who wish to enjoy time alone, away from the multitude. Being a…