Why Having the Last Word Is So Important for Some People & How to Handle Them

Having the last word for some people means winning the argument. Whilst this clearly isn’t always true, it is a frustrating trait that applies to more than just Wikipedia! It is worth remembering that the person who wins the debate is not necessarily the person who shouts the loudest, or…

4 Types of Conflict Situations in Daily Life and How to Resolve Them

Do you hate conflict? That's normal, but you can learn how to manage it better if you know how to resolve it. Any time you run into conflict situations, it's usually very unpleasant. There are accompanying anxiety and tension during moments of conflict that most of us would rather just…

5 Types of a Personality Clash between People and How to Handle It

In life, it seems, we’re forced into socializing with people we don’t get along with. Whether it’s at school or work, or maybe with a neighbor or a mutual friend, sometimes, we just have a personality clash with other people. It’s not that you outright dislike this person (though sometimes…

The Psychology of Road Rage Explained: Why Do We Get Mad When Driving?

Have you ever shouted obscenities at a passing driver for the smallest thing but felt completely justified? Are you usually mild-mannered but find that behind the wheel of a car you're a totally different person? You’re probably prone to road rage. But what causes it and why do normal people…