Genetically Modified Babies Could Soon Become a Reality

The U.S. federal agency Food and Drug Administration (FDA) begins its consideration of biological procedures which, if successful, will allow creating genetically modified babies, reports Marcy Darnovsky, executive director of the Center for Genetics and Society. "This is a dangerous step", warns Darnovsky. According to her, these methods will "change all…

Biological Teleportation: Is It Possible to Teleport Living Beings?

Renowned geneticist Craig Venter, one of the pioneers of synthetic biology, claims that the technologies needed to teleport living beings already exist. However, till now he is talking only about viruses and bacteria. But maybe someday, biological teleportation can become a reality for humans too. Minimal genome In 1995, a…

Can Your Mind Influence Your Genes? Unusual Theory

American biologist claims that genes can be affected by signals located in the external environment of the cell, such as thoughts, feelings, and emotions. According to cell biologist Dr. Bruce H. Lipton (formerly a professor of anatomy at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and now a researcher), this…

Top 5 Scientific Discoveries of 2013 According to National Geographic

Science in 2013 played a more important role than ever. At the same time, many intriguing discoveries were made. Here is a list of five major scientific discoveries according to the magazine National Geographic. 1. Space has become more ‘crowded’ In 2013, researchers from the California Institute of Technology suggested…

Will Humans Live to 500 Years Old in the Future?

Perhaps one day, living to 500 years old might be possible, according to the latest scientific findings. U.S. researchers succeeded to increase the lifetime of worms by five times with the help of combined genetic intervention. The discovery is certainly far from its application to humans, but in the first…