8 Weird Signs of Narcissism, Based on Psychological Studies

Narcissism is the new popular insult nowadays, it seems. However, these people do exist, and there are weird signs of narcissism to prove it. I’ve gotten into the habit of saying people are narcissists based on my psychological crackerjack self-image….see the narcissism there? Yes, I can joke about myself that…

7 Twin Flame Stages You Need to Go through to Reunite with Your Soulmate

When we feel attracted to somebody or enter a relationship, we tend to believe that we have met our true love, the soulmate, the twin. However, there are 7 distinguishable twin flame stages that will help you identify the life-changing relationship. First of all, it is important to define the…

8 Sneaky Tools of Narcissistic Manipulation and How to Recognize Them

Narcissistic manipulation comes in many different forms. In order not to become a victim of this dark personality type, it’s important to know which manipulation techniques narcissists use. If you have ever been in a relationship with a narcissist, you might have wondered how on earth you got involved with…