8 Best Careers for Emotionally Intelligent People

There are some careers for emotionally intelligent people that require certain personality traits these people possess. In the past, people would assume that I.Q. was the best way to measure human intelligence and that those with a higher I.Q. were more likely to succeed by virtue of being more clever.…

10 Warning Signs You Have Lost Touch with Your Intuition

Being aligned with your intuition can reap benefits and guide you through life’s challenges. The ability to follow our intuition – to understand something instinctively without any reasoning – is something we are all naturally equipped with. Einstein himself defined it as ‘the only real valuable thing’. It can guide…

Do You Often Have Nightmares? It Could Mean You Are More Creative and Empathetic

We have all experienced dreams, but not everybody has consistent nightmares through the majority of their sleeping life. Whilst this may seem like a good thing to those who don’t suffer from nightmares, it can actually mean that sufferers are more likely to have positive dreams, as well as having…

What Is a Highly Sensitive Person and How to Find Out If You Are One

What is a highly sensitive person and what does it mean to be one? Before Elaine Aron coined the term Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) over ten years ago, people who had these characteristics were often wrongly diagnosed as neurotic, timid, or introverted. In her book ‘The Highly Sensitive Person’, Aron…