Empath Child: Signs That Your Kid Is One and How to Help Them Thrive

It is vital to recognize and support an empath child if they are to be happy and grow up able to make the most of their gift. Empathy is not always an easy gift to have. Many adult empaths remember being labeled as needy, over-sensitive and emotional when they were children. When we are not…

If You Feel Uncomfortable around These 5 Types of People, Then You Are Probably an Empath

Empaths are hypersensitive to the moods and motives of other people. This means they feel uncomfortable when others behave in inauthentic ways. Because empaths are so sensitive, they can pick up subtle clues about what another person is thinking or feeling. This means they find it difficult to be around certain kinds…

Here Is Why Wealthy People Are More Likely to Be Narcissists, According to a New Study

It's not a secret that many wealthy people feel more entitled and even exhibit the traits of narcissism. A recent study has found the reason why. Right before our eyes, the world is changing around us. With each passing day, technology advances, and for some of us, so does our…

What Are the Dark Triad Traits and How to Spot Them in Someone You Know

The term Dark Triad may seem like words out of a crime novel. However, they refer to personality traits that make people magnets for conflict and disagreement. These negative qualities are a concern because they destroy relationships and compromise overall well-being. The good news is that there are saving graces.…

Parents of Narcissistic Children Commonly Do These 4 Things, Study Finds

Given the technology and other trappings of today's environment, how would modern parents avoid raising narcissistic children? There is no easy answer to this question. A study has pointed out the causes of narcissism in children. Parents should understand these risk factors, so as to avoid them. What is Narcissism? Those…