7 Signs of Energy Blocks and How to Clear Them to Get Yourself Unstuck

Energy blocks are all around us. They can be unfinished tasks, negative people, or even mental blocks we’ve imposed upon ourselves. How can we pull free? Most people are unaware that they are victims of energy blocks. They simply assume they feel bad for some physical reason, or they think…

Chronic Anxiety Makes Υou Do Things Τhat Others Misunderstand

It’s not about getting upset when something happens. Chronic anxiety is much worse, and unfortunately, misunderstood. It’s not so strange to be triggered by a bad area of town, reluctantly traveling down a street where crime runs rampant. It’s expected that you would feel a little nervous, even downright petrified…

Feel Exhausted All the Time? 3 Spiritual and Psychological Reasons and Solutions for Your Tiredness

If you feel exhausted all the time, there may be a physical cause. However, some psychological and spiritual issues can also cause extreme fatigue. When you feel tired all the time, even after waking up from a good night’s sleep, then there is something in your life that you need…

Dealing with Mental Illness Has Transformed Me in 6 Ways

Dealing with mental Illness is a struggle beyond words. It has transformed my outlook on life. Between the time that I woke this morning and the moment right before I typed the first word of this post, my moods changed innumerable times. I’ve visited thoughts of suicide, creative musings and…