What Is Status Quo Bias and How It Leads You to a Mediocre Life

Status quo bias is a powerful cognitive bias that can affect you so severely that it leads you to live a mediocre life. There are many different cognitive biases which can have a powerful impact on our psyches and our lives. One of the most common ones is status quo…

What Do Dreams about Spiders Mean? 9 Possible Interpretations

Many of us suffer from arachnophobia, a fear of spiders, but what does it mean if you dream about them? Is it a sign you should be fearful in real life? Or could there be other possible explanations? Actually, dreams about spiders have several different meanings. In fact, there are…

What Is Cyberchondria and How Not to Fall for It as an Anxious Person

Many people are familiar with Hypochondriacs, but few are aware of the Cyberchondriacs. Both problems can greatly disrupt your life. To understand Cyberchondria, you must first know about hypochondria. For those few of you aren’t familiar with the hypochondriac, I can quickly explain. Before the internet came along, we relied…

4 Systematic Desensitization Techniques to Use to Fight Your Anxiety and Fears

How would you like to learn a few ways to battle your anxiety and fears? Well, systematic desensitization may be the answer. During my lifetime, and that’s been 4 decades, I’ve tried everything I could think of to eliminate or even alleviate my anxiety. Some things helped pretty well, while…