How to Raise a Bilingual Child to Help Them Thrive Later in Life

Raising a child to be bilingual provides many lasting benefits that will impact all areas of his/her life. Some of the benefits of bilingualism include broadening a child’s perspective of the world, opening up career opportunities later in life, and having a positive impact on their cognitive development. The Benefits…

27 Foreign Words You Didn’t Know You Were Using Every Day

Some words are so intrinsically embedded into our unconscious that we don’t even realise they are foreign words. Take the internationally-known distress call of ‘May Day!’ for example. It derives from the French verb for help – 'aider'. In the 1920s, people were getting used to new international radio communications.…

What Are the Best Jobs for Introverts? 10 Most Suitable Career Choices

Being an introvert in an extroverted society can be tough. Yet, there are some great jobs that can help introverts fulfill their full potential. According to statistics, half of the population is introverted. However, the world in which we live is tailored to the needs of the extroverted ones. Luckily,…

5 Psychological Theories That Will Change Your Life

Psychological theories give us insight into our behavior and provide answers as to why we do the things we do. Some of those could even change your life. As human beings, we love to talk and learn about ourselves, ever striving to delve deeper into what motivates us. Sometimes, however,…