Higgs boson

Extra Dimensions Could Be Detected by the Large Hadron Collider

Extra Dimensions Could Be Detected by the Large Hadron Collider

If you thought the discovery of the Higgs Boson was monumental, then brace yourself. The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) may…

10 years ago

Stephen Hawking Is Working on a New Theory of Everything, Based on Gravitational Waves

Stephen Hawking has proven in the recent past that all things in space and time can be explained. Facts about…

10 years ago

What Kept the Universe Stable After the Big Bang?

We understand that the Big Bang created the universe, but how did existence remain stable after the Big Bang? This…

10 years ago

Understanding the Basics of Particle Physics

The laws of physics have to do with the forces and correlations between the tangible objects of our surroundings, which…

10 years ago

Stephen Hawking: Higgs Boson Could Destroy the Universe

It seems that Dr. Hawking has a lot to say about the scientific discovery of Higgs Boson. His statement that…

10 years ago

Stephen Hawking: The Discovery of Higgs Boson Made Physics Less Interesting

Ok! When Stephen Hawking makes a statement, people usually listen carefully. At times, he has made some very curious statements,…

10 years ago

When Science Becomes Art: Physicists Turn Higgs Boson Data into Music

So the Higgs Boson is a particle that gives away all the secrets to how other particles get their mass,…

10 years ago

The Deadly Higgs Field Could Destroy the Entire Universe: Should We Be Worried?

There have been rumors and rumors of rumors that say that the universe will be destroyed at any given moment.…

10 years ago