How Will the World Change by 2025?

Having analyzed huge volumes of data regarding the scientific studies and patent applications, the company Thomson Reuters, a child agency of Reuters, came up with a list of ten innovations that promise to dramatically change the planet by 2025. Intellectual Property and Science Department of the company initially identified ten…

CERN Scientists Will Try to Prove the Antigravity Theory

Having confirmed in practice the existence of the Higgs boson, experts at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) proceeded to check the theory of the existence of antigravity. This was reported by the British media. According to the theory, antimatter generates its own gravitational field, which, in contrast to…

8 Most Significant Scientific Breakthroughs of 2012

The discovery of the Higgs boson has become a major scientific achievement of the year 2012, according to the journal Science. The discovery of the Higgs boson, deciphering of the Denisovans genome, Curiosity landing on Mars, and artificial limbs controlled by the brain signals are on the list of major…