4 Different Types of Learners: Which Are You and How to Learn Easier?

The way we learn something can have a huge impact on our ability to understand and retain the information. This is because we all have different learning styles that can vary depending on what type of thing we are learning. Often, an individual doesn’t fit into one learning category and…

The Feynman Technique and How to Use It to Learn and Understand Anything

Studying is stressful. It often leads to feelings of self-doubt and leaves us overwhelmed. We try our best (usually) and still sometimes we just cannot get our heads around a subject. We’re taught dozens of memory tricks and studying hacks, but nothing really sticks. Fortunately, there is a proven technique,…

Why Is Logical-Mathematical Intelligence Important and How to Improve It?

Do you enjoy brain teasers? Do you find yourself thinking more rationally than emotionally? Are you fond of science? If you have answered yes to any of these questions, you probably have a high level of logical-mathematical intelligence. What is this type of intelligence, and why do people prize it…

Why Is Intrapersonal Intelligence Important and How to Develop It?

In the 1980s, a brand-new theory on intelligence emerged. Developed by Howard Gardner, this theory suggested that there is more than just the one version of intelligence. Instead of the typical IQ test, based on logic and numbers, there are several ways in which a person could be intelligent. These…

5 Unique Traits of People with Asperger’s That Look Like Superpowers

People with Asperger’s aren’t inflicted with all negative traits. Some Asperger’s traits can seem amazing. In case you’re not familiar with Asperger’s syndrome, it’s considered a high-functioning form of autism. And when people, who aren’t well-educated on these syndromes, learn that Asperger’s is a form of autism, it doesn't bring…