What Is a Shaman and How to Recognize One?

What is a shaman? Shamans are energy healers who use their connection with nature and spirit to help others. Shamans are believed to provide a bridge between the material world and non-material reality. Traditionally, they journey to the spirit world to bring back healing for the community. Shamanic traditions are…

Things That Cause Your Heart Chakra to Block and How to Open It

Heart Chakra (or known as anahata=unstruck) is the 4th element of the 7 Chakras which contributes to a harmonious development of our wellbeing. Anahata holds the sacred spark of divinity and intuition, being the integration point for the other chakras. The Heart Chakra is all about love, free spirit, joy,…

4 Reasons Why Empaths and Highly Sensitive People Freeze Around Fake People

Empaths and highly sensitive people detect things in human behavior that others miss. Have you ever met someone that everyone else liked but who made you feel uncomfortable? Did someone ever give you a compliment that made you feel angry and irritable rather than happy? If you are an empath…

3rd Eye Awakening: How to Recognize If Your Sixth Chakra Is Open

When the 3rd eye awakening happens, there are some remarkable effects on your thinking and feeling. The third eye (also known as the mind's eye situated between your eyebrows) is the sixth chakra with powerful abilities. Usually, this area or chakra becomes active when the person has reached a certain…