How Theta Waves Boost Your Intuition & Creativity and How to Generate Them

Brain waves are a measurement of neural activity in our brain. Our brains produce several types of waves, so why are scientists and psychologists so interested in theta waves? Before we delve into theta waves, let’s quickly explore the five types of brainwaves. When we perform certain actions the neurons…

10 Signs of Third Eye Opening and Practical Ways to Start It

The power of the third eye opening is something that everyone can really learn and feel. It gives you access to deeper knowledge. Today, there is a collective awakening that changes the limiting conditions of humanity. Unfortunately, the pineal gland is also prone to calcification due to processed foods and…

4 Communication Styles and How to Use Each of Them Effectively

Don’t just approach someone and speak. Learn communication styles to get your point across much easier. You might see communication as a fairly simple part of life. The truth is, there are many different communication styles which people use. Now, I don’t mean styles like aggressive or passive communication, rather…