How to Improve Your Memory Power with Brain-Boosting Activities

The human brain is probably among the most complicated structures in nature. It weighs at around 1.5 kg and consists of more than 100 billion neurons that pass along signals to each other. The brain is what controls the cognitive functioning of our thinking, speaking, imagining, planning, physical movements, and…

Why Humanities Students Just Can’t Study Science, and Vice Versa

There is an age-old rivalry on every university campus in the world — and it isn’t among fraternities and sororities. Since the dawn of civilization, humanity has been divided into two competing factions, each believing it is better than the other, neither understanding exactly how the other thinks, and both…

Top 5 Books on Business Psychology That Will Help You Achieve Success

In the competitive world of entrepreneurs and startups jockeying for position with an established business, it is more crucial now than ever to get a leg up on those vying for your would-be customers. One crucial aspect of accomplishing this is to understand the psychology behind running a motivated crew…

The Philosophy of Learning and Educational Success According to John Dewey

Noted Philosopher, Academic, and Educator John Dewey developed a unique perspective in regards to the concepts of life and the philosophy of learning. John Dewey believed there was a strong correlation between philosophy and education. He was also a strong proponent of continual education though not always through traditional means. For…

How the Concept of the Akashic Records Demonstrates That Everything Is Connected

Many people preach interconnectivity, spiritual leaders and common people making their way through life, who acknowledge that everything which exists is unified. Whether this unification is perceived as based on energy or based on experiences and common ground (psychologically speaking). Looking from the perspective of everything being connected through energy, which…