5 Signs That You Are Dealing with a Pathological Liar

A pathological liar is incredibly skilled at lying. They can keep up with their twisted stories and do it so smoothly that it will be almost impossible to notice. This can be a habit or simply insecurities, but ultimately, lying makes them feel better. Although everyone can tell little lies…

You Could Be a Victim of Gaslighting Abuse If You Can Relate to These 20 Signs

Gaslighting abuse is one of the sneakiest tools people with a manipulative personality use to make their victim feel crazy. We often use terminology in our everyday language without knowing where it originated from. For instance, ‘gaslighting’ is a psychological term that describes a form of mental abuse in which…

Empath Child: Signs That Your Kid Is One and How to Help Them Thrive

It is vital to recognize and support an empath child if they are to be happy and grow up able to make the most of their gift. Empathy is not always an easy gift to have. Many adult empaths remember being labeled as needy, over-sensitive and emotional when they were children. When we are not…