The Art of Divided Attention and How to Master It to Boost Your Productivity

We view divided attention or multitasking negatively, but it can be greatly beneficial to boost productivity. Divided attention has a negative connotation of not giving tasks your full focus. Although this can be true, there are ways to hone your multitasking skills to increase your productivity. All it takes is…

What Is the Zeigarnik Effect and How to Use It to Beat Procrastination

If you need a way to stop procrastination, the Zeigarnik Effect may be able to help you. Procrastination is difficult to quit. Sometimes starting a task seems to be the hardest thing to do, so we put it off. If you want to stop avoiding work and increase your efficiency,…

What Is Primacy Effect and How It Messes with Your Memory & Perception

Ever wondered why you remember some things and other things are quickly forgotten? Well, this could be due to the primacy effect. The science behind the primacy effect is simple yet complicated to navigate. I’ve recognized the characteristics of this effect many times in my life. This curious state of…