How to Deal with Negative Comments about Your Work & Turn Them into Motivation

We’ve all been there. You’ve spent ages planning and executing a project, only for someone to tell you about a minute detail you’ve missed. Or they tell you ways they would do it differently. But, you can turn negative comments into a learning and development experience. Here's how. Negative comments:…

9 Philosophical Quotes That Offer Profound Insights about Life

It’s like trying to explain love, the idea of philosophy, and thinking about thought. These philosophical quotes will indeed shed light on life and meaning. Although I never understood the term for it, when I sat for hours contemplating existence, I was caught in the realms of philosophical thought. I…

7 Motivational Words That Have a Powerful Effect on the Brain

The words we use can have a powerful effect on our own behaviour and the reactions we get from others. Using motivational words can make a huge difference in our lives. Words really do matter. The language we use shapes the way we see the world and the words we…

20 Positive Affirmations to Say to Yourself Every Day

Positive affirmations aren’t just woo-woo nonsense. They really can change your brain and your life in powerful ways. Here is how. How do affirmations work? Our brains are bombarded with information from our senses all of the time. Out of necessity, we filter out much of this information and only…

10 Motivational Quotes about Life That Will Make You Think

This list of motivational quotes about life will make you think about your life from a different perspective and will help you believe in yourself. The idea of having a successful life can mean so many things to so many people. Unfortunately, when we enter into the world, it can…