Scientist is Turning Each Element of the Periodic Table Into Music

Scientists have now found and interesting way to understand the periodic table of elements. With the advancement of technology, scientists have now found a way to assign a musical signature to each of the elements in the periodic table. Spearheading this research is mechanical engineer Asegun Henry who works as…

5 Easy Ways to Achieve a Meditative State Every Day

Perhaps you’ve heard about the various benefits meditation offers to one’s mind and body. Unlike many other health beneficial means and resources that offer one a chance for healing, longevity, and happiness, the meditative state offers pure and total fulfillment of one's being. A state of well-being, satisfaction, and a…

Artist with Synesthesia Can See Music So She Paints What Famous Songs Look Like

Everyone knows mental and/or physical conditions are pretty bad, and most just downright suck. However, there are some that can be considered good, in a certain light. Take synesthesia for example. Synesthesia is a very rare condition that affects the neurological system where the pathways in the brain that govern…

Are You a Systemiser or an Empathiser? Learn How Your Music Playlist Reflects Your Personality

We all know that the music you listen to reflects your personality to some extent, but new scientific research has shown that your music playlist actually says a lot more about you than can simply be defined as subculture or genre. Psychologists have found that the type of music you…

How Your Music Tastes Give an Insight into the Way You Think

Your music tastes or the type of music you listen to can actually give big clues into the way in which you think, researchers at Cambridge University have found. The study, which was published in PLOS ONE journal, focuses specifically on two types of thinking: empathizers and systemizers. Empathizers are…