What Is a Malignant Narcissist and How to Recognize One in Your Life

The malignant narcissist is someone who has a combination of two personality disorders, which makes them extremely dangerous and manipulative. Narcissists, they’re everywhere, aren’t they? From demanding celebrities to power-hungry presidents,  narcissists have an innate sense of entitlement, a complete lack of empathy and crave the spotlight and attention. According…

9 Famous Narcissists in History and Today’s World

You have probably long suspected that some media personalities might be narcissists. Here is a list of famous narcissists of the past and present. To be at the top of your game, in whatever field that might be, takes an enormous amount of self-confidence and belief in your abilities. But…

Grandiose Narcissism VS Vulnerable Narcissism: What Are the Differences?

Have you heard about grandiose narcissism and vulnerable narcissism? This distinction is not known by many. We are all familiar with the personality type of the narcissist, but now researchers have defined the narcissism into two very distinct categories: the grandiose narcissism and the vulnerable narcissism. Whilst we might recognise…

This Is a List of Characteristics Psychopaths Are Looking out for in a Potential Victim

In general, most of us have a type, that is to say, we look for potential partners with a certain list of characteristics. These might be personality traits such as a sense of humour, kindness, loyalty and intelligence. Or they could be more shallow factors, for example, appearance or finances.…

Does Narcissistic Personality Disorder Have a Bright Side?

Narcissistic Personality Disorder can stand in the way of a person's growth. Everyone understands the effects of feeling too superior. But having Narcissistic Personality Disorder isn't all bad. Though you should always keep your ego in check, it can help you in some cases. So what is the bright side…