5 Types of Ruminating Thoughts and How to Deal with Them

Ruminating thoughts are different than just sorting through problems to find a solution. Rumination is not a healthy option. Yes, I fall into ruminating and negative thoughts all the time. When you struggle with mental illness, it’s easy to do this sometimes. Unfortunately, rumination is not a healthy thing to…

4 Signs of Toxic Positivity That Ruins Your Life and How to Avoid It

Toxic positivity is a fairly new phenomenon. It has appeared almost directly as a result of the “good life” social media image and the rise of mental health awareness. In theory, more awareness and concern for mental health is a great thing. We've worked so hard to achieve global concern,…

How to Not Take Things Personally When You Are a Sensitive Person

Whether you’re easily offended or not, you have to learn how to not take things personally. Just let some things go. Dealing with criticism and negative feedback is no easy task for some people. While one person may brush off less than attractive comments, others may dwell on words for…

Why Your Internal Dialogue Is More Important Than You Think & What It Reveals

You know the voice inside your head that chats to you when everything is quiet? That’s your internal dialogue. It may speak a little differently for everyone, but we all have one. Also known as your inner voice, your internal monologue or your consciousness. It is a fundamental part of…