How to Stop Feeling Guilty and Set Yourself Free, According to Psychology

Guilt can take over your life and prevent you from following your dreams. Let’s learn how to stop feeling guilty and break free! Guilt comes in so many forms, and from several different stressors. Guilt can be the correct emotional response to something you’ve done wrong, or it can be…

Catastrophic Thinking: How to Recognize and Deal with It When You Have Anxiety

What is one of the worst aspects of having anxiety? Catastrophic thinking is anxiety at a whole other level of negativity. Let’s deal with this. Honestly, I wasn’t an expert in the term catastrophic thinking, but I was familiar with its definition. Catastrophic thinking is the way the mind operates under…

15 Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Techniques to Beat Negative Thought Patterns

If you have suffered from anxiety or are prone to negative thinking, you might have wished you had the tools to cope with it. Cognitive-behavioral therapy techniques are proven methods used by therapists and counselors. What Is Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy? Mental health practitioners use cognitive-behavioral therapy to teach people how to…

Feeling Worthless? 6 Overlooked Causes and How to Feel Good about Yourself

Feeling worthless is one of the deepest and darkest emotions you will encounter. During your lifetime, you will feel these emotions, so you must be prepared. Unfortunately, life isn’t fair, and you will find yourself feeling worthless without warning. I think it’s mostly due to how we view life itself.…

What Is Learned Helplessness and How It Explains Why People Give Up on Life

Learned helplessness is a psychological phenomenon whereby humans and animals who believe they have no control over a situation will give up. The term learned helplessness was first coined in the late 1960’s and early 1970’s by psychologists Martin Seligman and Steven Maier. They were continuing work first carried out by…

Cognitive Restructuring: Reframe Your Negative Thoughts and Limiting Beliefs

Also known as cognitive reframing, cognitive restructuring "is a technique drawn from cognitive therapy that can help people identify, challenge and alter stress-inducing thought patterns and beliefs" while learning how to develop new sets of stress coping mechanism skills. This method is highly used in treating patients who suffer from…

How to Overcome Social Anxiety by Asking Yourself This One Silly Question

If you want to overcome social anxiety, you’ve probably already read tons of articles on the subject. There are many techniques for dealing with social anxiety, but they don’t work for everyone. Some are too complex, others are too challenging, such as forcing yourself to talk to strangers. Today, I…