Do Binaural Beats Work? Here Is What Science Has to Say

As humans who suffer from a multitude of disorders, we look for cures that are effective. So do binaural beats work? Being diagnosed with an anxiety disorder among other things, I’ve tried many so-called solutions and medications to improve my quality of life. I also tried yoga, nature walks, prayer,…

Why Is Logical-Mathematical Intelligence Important and How to Improve It?

Do you enjoy brain teasers? Do you find yourself thinking more rationally than emotionally? Are you fond of science? If you have answered yes to any of these questions, you probably have a high level of logical-mathematical intelligence. What is this type of intelligence, and why do people prize it…

4 Types of Conflict Situations in Daily Life and How to Resolve Them

Do you hate conflict? That's normal, but you can learn how to manage it better if you know how to resolve it. Any time you run into conflict situations, it's usually very unpleasant. There are accompanying anxiety and tension during moments of conflict that most of us would rather just…

The Backfire Effect: Why Is It So Difficult for Us to Change Our Minds?

We all suffer from biases in our own thinking, but the backfire effect is one of the most counterintuitive. What Is the Backfire Effect? Most of us tend to question our beliefs when we find evidence which doesn’t agree with them. The natural response to differing information is to adjust…

Why Depth Perception Is Important and How to Improve It with 4 Exercises

Proper eyesight is something we take for granted, but if you've been having trouble with your eyes, it may be because of depth perception. Without proper depth perception, navigating through the world each day becomes a real challenge. This goes beyond the quality of your vision, as it's crucial for…