5 Surprising Signs of Being Mentally Strong (Backed by Science)

We may think of mentally strong people as being tough and unemotional. But other signs include crying, gratitude and taking responsibility for our lives. Here are five signs of being mentally strong that you might find surprising: 1. Practicing realistic optimism Positive thinking has been very popular recently, however, it…

Dealing with Anxiety: Harvard Psychologists Reveals a Science-Backed Approach

I believe Science has finally turned from medication to dealing with anxiety. This gets to the root of the problem, and we need a cure! As someone who has anxiety, I’ve suffered and dealt with the illness in many ways. The bad side: It sucks, plain and simple, the good…

7 Buddhist Beliefs That Make You Happy, According to Science

Buddhists have always known that the core Buddhist beliefs can make for happiness and contentment. Now science is suggesting they may be right. I always find it fascinating when new scientific discoveries prove things that religious and spiritual sources have been saying since time immemorial. Recently, science has found some…

Struggling with Depression: Jim Carrey Shares a Powerful Message with the World

Instead of using medication as a remedy for struggling with depression and other mental illnesses, we should try spirituality! Although struggling with depression, bipolar disorder and other mental illnesses makes us feel alone in the world, rest assured, we are not. Unfortunately, there are millions who suffer from mental illness…

4 Stages of Life: Where Are You on the Journey?

From birth till death, stages of life promote growth and enlightenment. Understanding a healthy transition is the key to happiness. While you’re busy living life, have you considered how much it sucks? I guess not, but let’s be honest, it does kind of suck sometimes with its decision-making, transitions, and…

What It Feels Like to Be a Spiritual Empath in the Modern World

As a spiritual empath, you may be distressed by the troubles of the modern world. However, it is possible to find the love and community you long for. Spiritual empaths need to protect themselves from the negativity around them because they are easily overwhelmed. However, distancing ourselves from the reality…