5 Famous Writers and Their Motivational Tips to Help You Kill Procrastination

Procrastination often makes us spending our valuable and productive time doing meaningless things and everything else but writing. Famous writers know it very well. Sometimes, you sit down at the table and it just doesn't happen. How often do you find yourself procrastinating, unable to come with a single good damn sentence?…

Study Shows Why Intelligent People Are More Likely to Get Distracted at Work

If you find it difficult to focus at work and often get distracted by things around you, there’s good news. Whilst it may feel as though getting frequently distracted is a bad thing, it can actually mean that you are more intelligent than those who don’t get distracted, a new…

7 Reasons People Who Enjoy Spending Time Alone Are More Likely to Be Successful

We all want to be successful, it’s human nature to strive to complete goals and achieve the lifestyle we have always dreamed of. It may seem like common sense that extroverts will be the most successful due to their outgoing, confident nature, but science is actually arguing that introverts are…