5 Documentaries That Will Change the Way You Look at Science

These 5 documentaries may just change the way you look at science and weird phenomena. Sometimes, it can be really refreshing to consider unconventional points of view. In the scientific community, having a different opinion is particularly difficult. However, most great scientists, including Albert Einstein and Nikola Tesla, faced misunderstanding…

The Big Bang May Have Never Happened According to Quantum Equations

Did the Big Bang really happen? Probably not, according to two physicists who wish to revive one of the most popular arguments of the twentieth century. What these guys think is completely different from what cosmologists thought about the universe. Where did the Big Bang theory come from? The words…

US Physicist Claims That Black Holes Do Not Exist & Are Mathematically Impossible

The term “black hole” refers to regions in space formed when a star dies and collapses under the pressure of its own gravity to a single point in space called a singularity. The gravitational forces on a specific singularity are so intense that even the light cannot escape them, and…

Israeli Scientists Create a ‘Black Hole’ in Their Lab to Prove Hawking’s Theory

In 1974, prominent physicist Stephen Hawking shocked his colleagues by claiming that black holes emit radiation. Forty years later, a laboratory experiment seems to have confirmed his theory. The study is published in the journal «Nature Physics». Black holes – points in space where the density of matter approaches infinity…

Master Your Reality: How to Wake Up and Live the Life of Your Dreams

What if I told you that you are the creator of your life? You are the master of your own reality! Would you believe me? Some of these may sound familiar to you: "I am not successful/happy because of my partner/my parents who did not give me the right start in…