8 Traits of a Charismatic Personality & How to Be One

Having a charismatic personality means understanding the delicate balance between confidence and humility. Everyone enjoys the company of such a person. One of the best traits to have is charisma. While it might not be easy to understand by many people, for those who get it, it’s invaluable. Finding a…

Communication Problems Introverts Have & How to Overcome Them

Being an introvert is never easy. It’s exhausting to go about your day sometimes. Communication problems plague every conversation. Every interaction brings up thoughts of self-doubt, self-consciousness and more often than not, fear of embarrassment. Of course, not every introvert has social anxiety. However, even the most socially confident introverts…

Key Differences between Internal and External Locus of Control

When something goes wrong in your life, do you tend to blame yourself or someone else? Psychologists call this type of ‘blaming’ or ‘attribution of success or failure’ our Internal and External Locus of Control. Sounds complicated, right? Well, it’s not, and it can affect how happy your life is.…

Why Do Some Drunk People Show a Personality Change, According to Science?

The morning after the night before a session of heavy drinking can leave you with not just a sore head but the paranoia of how you behaved under the influence of one too many cocktails. However, research is increasingly pointing towards the conclusion that, for many of us, alcohol does…