Why Is Intrapersonal Intelligence Important and How to Develop It?

In the 1980s, a brand-new theory on intelligence emerged. Developed by Howard Gardner, this theory suggested that there is more than just the one version of intelligence. Instead of the typical IQ test, based on logic and numbers, there are several ways in which a person could be intelligent. These…

9 Signs of a Scam Artist and Manipulation Tools They Use

I’ve always been interested in the darker side of a person’s personality, particularly deviant behaviour. I want to know why someone might stray from the straight and narrow. So I often watch programmes about scam artists and their victims. And I think to myself, how did they fall for their…

How to Get Out of Your Comfort Zone with 7 No-Nonsense Techniques

As much as it may pain us to do it, stepping out of our comfort zone is where we find growth. Remaining where we feel comfortable often leads us to miss out on important and exciting opportunities. This can lead to both regrets and being trapped in the same routine.…