5 Types of Anxiety Disorders and Deep Core Beliefs Hiding Behind Them

Anxiety can manifest in many different ways. When it attaches to certain circumstances or behaviours it is then grouped into types of anxiety disorders. Anyone who has suffered from any of these types of anxiety disorders will know the debilitating effect it has on their lives. If you are reading…

How to Overcome Social Anxiety by Asking Yourself This One Silly Question

If you want to overcome social anxiety, you’ve probably already read tons of articles on the subject. There are many techniques for dealing with social anxiety, but they don’t work for everyone. Some are too complex, others are too challenging, such as forcing yourself to talk to strangers. Today, I…

Dealing with Social Anxiety in a Social Situation: What It’s Like and How to Cope

Dealing with social anxiety is never easy - you feel as if you’re in a spotlight all the time. What makes it worse is most people don’t understand, and thus cannot offer help. Being nervous is normal, but dealing with social anxiety is not. Everyone gets scared from time to…

5 Signs Your Social Phobia Is Actually Empathic Sensitivity to People’s Energy

Social phobia or social anxiety is primarily associated with the irrational fear of being rejected and ridiculed by other people. It is also estimated that for the most part, social anxiety disorders affect those who were subject to bullying and physical or emotional abuse during the childhood years. At least,…

8 Struggles of Having an Outgoing Personality While Suffering from Social Anxiety

I might have an outgoing personality, but my social anxiety cripples me. One of the most difficult predicaments is having an outgoing personality but not being able to enjoy it to its fullest. Honestly, I don’t miss being around crowds of people all that much, and my social anxiety prevents…