These 3 Things Could Destroy the Human Civilization, Says Stephen Hawking

Famous for his scientific research on black holes and physics, world-renowned physicist Stephen Hawking has issued a stark warning on things that he strongly believes will lead to the demise of human civilization. His warnings may surprise you as they are far beyond the realms of the mainstream beliefs that…

Stephen Hawking Is Working on a New Theory of Everything, Based on Gravitational Waves

Stephen Hawking has proven in the recent past that all things in space and time can be explained. Facts about our existence and how nothing became something great – he has channeled these answers from the cosmos. He has provided explanations causing scientists to re-evaluate their thinking. One of the…

Stephen Hawking: Higgs Boson Could Destroy the Universe

It seems that Dr. Hawking has a lot to say about the scientific discovery of Higgs Boson. His statement that this discovery made physics more boring, has been followed by a rather ominous statement that this discovery in the wrong hands could prove fatal and destroy the universe. Hawking explains…

US Physicist Claims That Black Holes Do Not Exist & Are Mathematically Impossible

The term “black hole” refers to regions in space formed when a star dies and collapses under the pressure of its own gravity to a single point in space called a singularity. The gravitational forces on a specific singularity are so intense that even the light cannot escape them, and…

Stephen Hawking: The Discovery of Higgs Boson Made Physics Less Interesting

Ok! When Stephen Hawking makes a statement, people usually listen carefully. At times, he has made some very curious statements, but who can deny the fact that he is arguably the biggest theoretical physics mind of the time. When the discoverer of the Hawking Radiation, the creator of the gravitational…

Israeli Scientists Create a ‘Black Hole’ in Their Lab to Prove Hawking’s Theory

In 1974, prominent physicist Stephen Hawking shocked his colleagues by claiming that black holes emit radiation. Forty years later, a laboratory experiment seems to have confirmed his theory. The study is published in the journal «Nature Physics». Black holes – points in space where the density of matter approaches infinity…

The Deadly Higgs Field Could Destroy the Entire Universe: Should We Be Worried?

There have been rumors and rumors of rumors that say that the universe will be destroyed at any given moment. Warning signs are new each and every day, proclaiming that the conditions are just right for a cataclysmic happening. Is this true? Stephen Hawking wrote, in the preface of his new…

11 Traits All Aliens Would Probably Have, According to Science

What traits, according to scientists, would alien visitors from outer space have? In recent decades, as mankind endlessly talks about alien life, it seems that the time and duration of this contact is one of the most important issues occupying our minds. Books, movies, and music dedicated to aliens demonstrate…