5 Steps to Psychological First Aid You Can Use in Difficult Situations

We have first responders for physical traumas or difficulties. Here's a secret: psychological first aid is also important during hard times. When trauma occurs, you hear the sirens. The ambulance, police and first responders are on the way. As humans, it’s our duty to try and help those who are…

How to Deal with Job Burnout and Achieve Work-Life Balance

Technically speaking, burnout implies the cessation of operation of a jet or a rocket engine. Projecting this definition onto the office landscape, job burnout closely relates to work stress. Indeed the term ‘burnout’ in this context was first introduced by Freudenberger (1974). He pointed to the occupational hazards professionals are…

Wim Hoff Breathing Method or How to Control Your Body’s Responses

Can the simple act of breathing actually have some incredibly powerful benefits you never knew of? If the Wim Hoff breathing method is something you haven't heard of before, you're about to learn all about it. Most people are familiar with certain breathing techniques, especially with yoga and meditation. Wim…

Milgram Obedience Study and What It Reveals about Human Nature

Yale University psychologist Stanley Milgram conducted his famous series of experiments widely known as Obedience Study almost 60 years ago. The ethics of the experiment have since been subject to criticism. However, it raised important questions about the power of authority in achieving obedience. In this article, we take a…