Freud, Déjà Vu and Dreams: Games of the Subconscious Mind

Deja vu is not an illusion, it is something that you have already experienced in your unconscious fantasies. Believe if you will, or do not believe it. The link between the subconscious, deja vu and dreams was already mentioned a hundred years ago by the infamous Austrian psychologist Sigmund Freud,…

9 Things That Enhance Your Brain Function

We all know that things like solving puzzles, healthy nutrition, and exercise enhance our brain function. But what about some less obvious ones? 9 Things That Enhance Your Brain Function 1. Specific goals Once you articulate a specific goal or a task for yourself, wonderful things will start happening. You…

10 Most Interesting Theories That Explain Why People Dream

There is a branch of science called oneirology which studies dreams. This discipline combines features of neuroscience, psychology, and even literature but does not provide the answer to the important question of why people dream. There is no clear answer to this puzzle yet, but there are some interesting hypotheses,…