6 Nikola Tesla Quotes That Might Change the Way You See the World

These six Nikola Tesla quotes show a visionary scientist who thought in terms of energy vibration and intuition when trying to understand the universe. Nikola Tesla was a Serbian-American inventor, engineer, and physicist. He was best known for developing the alternating current circuit, a technology we still rely on today.…

4 Nikola Tesla’s Innovations That Show How Ahead of His Time He Was

Last January was the 73rd year of the death of the great scientist Nikola Tesla. Many of Tesla's innovations have changed the world. On January 7th, 1943, this Serbian-American scientist lost his life. He was regarded as the founder of the present electrical and power technologies, grid lines, and AC…

3 World-Changing Inventions That Never Saw the Light of Day

This world in which we live has seen a lot of genius. Some found in people throughout history who were regarded as raving lunatics for their different way of thinking or those who never got any credibility. Other significant world-changing inventions have been buried for various political and personal reasons. A…

Read more about the article Nikola Tesla’s Death Ray & Other Secrets: Separating Facts from Myths
Nikola Tesla with his equipment in his laboratory in Colorado Springs

Nikola Tesla’s Death Ray & Other Secrets: Separating Facts from Myths

Until the early twentieth century, electricity remained a product of scientific curiosity in the eyes of ordinary people, just like the Large Hadron Collider is now - nothing more than a toy to entertain a handful of physicists. Nikola Tesla was probably the most prominent of those scientists and inventors…

Read more about the article 5 Most Bizarre Inventions of Nikola Tesla
Nikola Tesla with his equipment in his laboratory in Colorado Springs

5 Most Bizarre Inventions of Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla was certainly an eccentric scientist, but some people believe that his inventions were more noticeable than the ones of Alexander Graham Bell and Thomas Edison. His electric machine, violent imagination, and eccentric style have become a symbol of "mad genius". Here are some of the weirdest inventions of…