The Art of Divided Attention and How to Master It to Boost Your Productivity

We view divided attention or multitasking negatively, but it can be greatly beneficial to boost productivity. Divided attention has a negative connotation of not giving tasks your full focus. Although this can be true, there are ways to hone your multitasking skills to increase your productivity. All it takes is…

What Is Pygmalion Effect and How It Can Bring Positive Results

In a position of power, how you treat those below you makes a huge difference, as proved by the Pygmalion Effect. Whether we are looking after children, managing staff, or coaching a team, our behavior has a direct influence. It is all too easy to see some as more capable…

What Is the Zeigarnik Effect and How to Use It to Beat Procrastination

If you need a way to stop procrastination, the Zeigarnik Effect may be able to help you. Procrastination is difficult to quit. Sometimes starting a task seems to be the hardest thing to do, so we put it off. If you want to stop avoiding work and increase your efficiency,…

4 Signs of Overconfidence Bias and How It Affects You Judgement

Overconfidence bias is something we are all guilty of and we may not even realize how much it affects our judgment. What is overconfidence bias? Overconfidence bias, or the overconfidence effect, is a bias established in a person’s subjective confidence of their judgments. As a result, that person will consider…

7 Top Careers for Creative People That Will Help Them Fulfill Their Potential

There are many careers for creative people although they may be harder to find. At least, these jobs are fulfilling. When we hear talk about creativity, we think about artists, writers, and musicians, among a few things. The thing is, there are many creative outlets we may never consider unless…