Not only are there actions, but you can also recognize when someone is taking you for granted by the words that come out of their mouth. You just have to pay close attention and believe them.

Sadly, people take others for granted quite regularly. If someone is taking you for granted, you might not immediately know because it’s become so normal to do so. However, if you listen closely to what people tell you, then you might be able to assess their intentions from phrases or responses.

If they’re taking you for granted, they will tell you

I know that sounds kind of strange, but people will always tell you the truth in some form or other. You just have to be able to sift through the pleasantries to recognize what they truly mean.

There are many phrases that people use when they take you for granted. These statements are oftentimes used to brush off your concerns or divert the conversation. Pay close attention to what’s being said in the following phrases.

1. “You’re overreacting”

I once lost a pet, and I cried for a long time. At a particular point in my grieving, a loved one said this to me: “Okay, it’s time to get over it now.” That statement broke my heart. While this is not the same as saying, “You’re overreacting”, it’s similar.

When someone says this to you, they’re telling you that you’re upset for too long, or you’re too angry. But who are they to tell you what you’re supposed to feel, right? The truth is, they don’t care as much as they proclaim, and they’re probably taking you for granted.

2. “You’re blessed to have me”

This phrase makes me sick when I read it. Only people who are taking you for granted will think this highly of themselves and assume they are better than you. Maybe you’d be better without someone who thinks the sun revolves around them.

Obviously, they believe you’re going to stay around forever because there are such amazing people. Just remember, they are using you, and they only care for themselves. Watch out for this phrase. It’s deplorable.

3. “I do not have time for this”

When you try to talk about something important, and they tell you that they don’t have time for you, then they are taking you for granted. They’re saying that what you feel has nothing to do with them, or the issue you’re trying to discuss is unimportant.

At the same time, they’re saying that everything else is more important and you can wait. This phrase stings, and it’s one of the worst things a loved one can say to you.

4. “You’re much too sensitive”

Yes, you’re being taken for granted when you’re constantly being told that you’re too sensitive. This phrase is another way to reduce the importance of your emotions.

For one, your partner, family member, or whoever has hurt you just cannot take responsibility for their actions. They use this phrase to relinquish accountability and divert blame onto you. In short, they’re calling you a “drama queen” for addressing concerns about how you’re being treated. See how that worked in their favor?

5. “This is your fault”

While some things will most definitely be your fault, not everything is. And when a friend, partner, or family member constantly blames you for things that happen, they are taking you for granted.

I do not think it’s necessary to announce a fault when things happen. However, you’ll know for certain what type of person you’re dealing with when they constantly remind you of your shortcomings or blame you for things that were not your responsibility.

6. “You wouldn’t understand”

Although many people think that no one truly understands them, some say these things to dismiss your relevance in their lives. This phrase says more than its face value: It says,

“Your opinion is not good enough for my issue” or “You’re not smart enough to help me”.

When someone uses this phrase, it is hurtful in more than one way. It downplays your intelligence and lets you know just how much they do not respect you.

7. “Can’t you do anything correctly?”

I know you’ve probably heard this one before. And if you are hearing it now, then it’s possible that you’re being taken for granted. Maybe you’ve made a few mistakes and struggled in some areas, but this phrase is designed to keep you in your struggles.

When someone says this, they’re insulting you. They’re also assuming that you’re always going to be around and take this sort of verbal abuse forever. Maybe you should prove them wrong.

What can you do when you’re being taken for granted?

If you’ve heard these phrases before, it’s time to learn how to deal with this situation. Being taken for granted will not only affect how you feel about yourself, but can also affect your health. After all, your mental well-being relates to various systems in your body. So, it’s important to understand how to safeguard your sanity.

Create boundaries, fortify these boundaries, and remind others that you will not sway from your beliefs, standards, and morals. Do not let what others say affect you. Be assertive and direct. Let people know that you refuse to play these verbally abusive games with them.

And focus on your goals, learning new ways to deal with people who try to take you for granted. In time, you will let what others say roll off your back. You may even return positive feedback for the negative you receive. You have no idea how strong you can be.

I wish you the best, and I hope these phrases helped you identify the problem areas in your life.

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