Studies on consciousness reflect scientists’ and psychologists’ struggle to understand and measure this phenomenon.

With the topic being so hard to measure, it has always been one area of science that people constantly question.

There are six main studies on consciousness that have begun to pave the way to understanding its nature. But it’s clear we still have a long way to go before we can truly comprehend the idea.

1. Dr. William Braud’s study on slowing down the rate that red blood cells die

Dr. Braud is one of many scientists who claimed to have discovered a direct link between our energy and the physical world. His study specifically focused on proving that humans can physically affect objects through their thoughts and energy alone.

The study has since become known as the BIO-PK study and claimed that when placed in a lab dish, people could affect the rate at which red blood cells died. Whilst the results were small and were never taken seriously by scholars, they opened up a whole range of questions and doors to further topics in this field.

2. Masaru Emoto’s water crystals

Emoto’s study of water claimed that our thoughts and feelings can affect our physical reality. Using written and spoken words and music and presenting them to samples of water, Emoto said that the water had changed its ‘expression’.

He developed a technique which, using a powerful microscope, allowed him to photograph newly formed crystals of water (ice). Emoto claimed that through directed thoughts, crystals formed in frozen water.

However, his work was largely criticized by the scientific community, which didn’t accept the results of his experiments as valid.

3. The Maharishi Effect

In 1960, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi predicted 1% of the population practicing the Transcendental Meditation technique would improve the lives of the rest of the population.

In 1976, this was shown by the finding that when 1% practiced this technique, the crime rate reduced by 16%. In 1993, it was again put to the test, where the maximum decrease of crimes was 23.3%.

4. The singing trees of Damanhur

In the eco-village of Damanhur, Italy, an instrument was created to capture the electromagnetic variations of plants to turn them into sounds.

According to a study that started in 1976, the trees can control their electrical emissions – changing the notes – so they can ‘perform’ alongside musicians.

5. Chladni plate experiment

The Chladni plate experiment, discovered by Ernst Chladni, allows us to see patterns not normally visible to the human senses through observing the motions of vibrating plates.

These findings can be used analytically to provide information on the conditions that formed the vibrations.

6. The secret life of plants

A book was published in 1973 called The Secret Life of Plants, by Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird where a study carried out by a former CIA polygraph expert, Cleve Backster, was referenced.

Backster found that through surges of electrical activity, plants that had witnessed the killing of other plants could select the killer from a line-up.

The book delves into many areas but is mainly described as “a fascinating account of the physical emotional and spiritual relations between plants and man.”

The 6 Most Fascinating Studies on Consciousness


Some of the above studies on consciousness brought controversial results, which are doubted by the scientific community. The only thing is sure though – we will never stop our attempts to understand what consciousness is and how it works.

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