Most people today don’t believe in the positive benefits of energy healing, let alone distant energy healing.

How can someone help another person from miles away or being on the opposite side of the world? If we look at the physics behind energy healing, we will be able to discover how distant energy healing actually works.

During an energy healing session, a client receives the energy that is channeled through an energy healer. Most energy healing practices use hands during the healing process (reiki, hands on healing, etc). There are also other ways to channel energy, not to mention energy-informational healing techniques that go beyond common energy healing and actually fix the true cause of why the person lost the energy in the first place.

To further explain energy healing process, we need to establish what a human actually is.

In simple terms, a human being can be described as a combination of the physical body, mind, and Spirit. Medicine mainly works with our physical body; psychology and mind related science are devoted to our mind, and spiritual practices mainly handle energy-informational processes that are vital to human life.

If we consider research in the new spiritual science of Infosomatics, its energy-informational map and practical attempt to bring body, mind and spirit together, then we will see that the human brain works as a very complicated radar system or router. It receives information from the surrounding environment, including the higher levels of consciousness, and transforms that information into energy.

That energy is then transmitted throughout the human body and forms an energy shell with its centers (the human aura and chakras).

The human energy shell is what protects our physical body from any harmful influence that can come from the energy-informational field. Human mind or worldview is what gives us a chance to understand how things work using certain concepts and visualizations. Our worldview is like a filter that allows us not to go crazy from all that is happening in the field or in the higher levels of consciousness.

Mind is like a logical guide in the hologram world that we are all living. The more we are able to evolve our worldview, the more we understand about our Spirit and its world.

Our Spirit is what provides us with the essential energy of life.

That energy is filtered through our worldview and the will of our Spirit is what forms our energy shell and subsequently brings the particles that form our physical body together. Stable energy shell is vital to human health and quality of life. It is important to not only know how to replenish its energy through energy healing but also strive to achieve the knowledge that can explain the reasons of why that energy was lost in the first place.

The human brain activity of an energy healer during an energy healing session becomes the etalon or a benchmark for a client. If the client is diligent in resolving energy problems, then he or she uses that benchmark to jump start his/her own brain activity and begin to transform information from the field into the energy independently.

If a person falls into the role of an energy vampire and is just trying to get another fix from an energy healer (or energy excessive person), then pumping more energy towards that person will not be the most effective way of helping.

Certain energy-informational techniques and tough-loving could actually be the way to go with the person who is sucking the energy without even trying to produce that energy through his/her own brain activity.

In any case, energy healing mainly works with the energy shell of a person.

Even though our energy shell is connected to our physical body, it is still possible to influence or heal it on the energy level of higher consciousness without physical attachment to the nearby energy source (energy healer).

“Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.”

Albert Einstein

Etalon human brain activity can serve as a transmitting radio station on the energy level, and the brain of the person who is in an energy rut can become the receiver of the healing waves.

distant energy healing physics

The power of interaction or influence on the energy level does not depend on the distance, it only depends on the corresponding ability of the parties involved to be on the same frequency. When the connection is established on the energy level, the receiver is able to acquire the etalon image of the brain activity from the transmitter and use it to get out from the energy hole.

The same principle is used during online seminars or webinars. When the host knows the laws of effective interaction in the energy field, he or she is able to show to the online audience, no matter where they are in the world, “the flower” of his or her brain activity. If the brain activity of the host is transmitting a healthy benchmark quality of brain activity, then anyone online gets a chance to receive that wave of information and begin to practice it in their own life.

We perceive everything in this world through resonance.

If a brain of a person with a problem (health, personal or professional) is able to catch the resonance and direct positive emotions towards the online seminar host/distant energy healer who is transmitting waves with the solutions to the problems  – then the brain of the receiver will know what to do about those problems.

Your brain might know what to do, but you also need to use your free will and act to reach the results, so the number of your choices and actions towards realizing your potential will be able to shift to the quality of a happy life.

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This Post Has One Comment

  1. bart

    Thanks for the article.
    It provided me great insights!

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