There are many things that we know about time and many other things that we still struggle to comprehend. Time, as we previously understood the concept, moves forward and forward alone.

There are ways that allow for time travel, rather extensive ways that take a stretch of the imagination.  Have you ever considered, however, that time could move both forward and backward at the same time? Maybe you should give the possibility of moving backwards in time some thought.

The Parallel Universe

The parallel universe, a place where there could possibly be another you, another me and another entire duplicate world.  We have just started to understand the physics of this other existence.

Another possibility and likelihood is that this parallel universe could be moving in the opposite direction in time. Our future could be someone else’s past. Strange? Yes, but highly likely according to recent studies.

Who said these things?

A trio of theoretical physicists suggests that there may be more than one future in store. These experts claim and that “The Big Bang Theory” actually produced two different universes, one going forward and one moving backwards in time.

During the 1920s, our universe was understood asymmetrically. All things followed a simple form called “The Arrow of Time”, termed by British astronomer Arthur Eddington.

Most physicists today believe that time flows toward an increased disorder or chaos, moving away from entropy. If this is true, then our universe as we know it must have originated in a state of complete order, that is, if the arrow flows only in one direction.

There are so many questions about this theory. Why was there such a low state of entropy in our past— “The Big Bang”? There are also questions as to why our universe is in such an ordered state. One idea, derived from the mind of Ludwig Boltzmann, Austrian physicist, is that our order is just a part of a much larger equilibrium state.

More than just an idea

That trio of theoretical physicists may have been onto something after all. Tim Koslowski from the University of Brunswick, Julian Barbour of Oxford, and Flavio Mercati of the Perimeter Institute for theoretical physics have created a new “Arrow of Time” based on gravity instead of thermodynamics.

Time is a mystery, all things look basically the same however time runs,” said Barbour.

This theory was tested using a simple proxy of the universe. 1,000 particles, in a computer simulation, were studied under the influence of Newtonian gravity. Like a swarm of bees, these particles settled into a group of low complexity.

This appeared similar to Boltzmann’s theory of low entropy fluctuation — an idea that further supported the separate timelines. From the center, the particles moved outward in different directions, signifying two separate paths of time.

If there are two futures, moving in opposite directions, what does this mean for intelligent life? The simple idea is that intelligent beings in our parallel universe would actually be living their future in our distant past.

Wow! Wrap your head around that one! Whether we are moving in one timeline or the other, one thing is for certain, this is the world as we know it, no different than our brothers and sisters who might be moving backwards in time.

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This Post Has 3 Comments

    1. Sherrie

      I did read your article, and while I understood most of it, I still had a hard time wrapping my head around a few things. I often get to a point where I fail to understand after reading through material such as this. I think it is because of the conditioning that I received in school and from others around me.

      Anyway, how the universe works and exists is truly intriguing and I am happy that you shared this article here in the comments. Feel free to read some of our other works as well.

  1. Dimas Trejo

    Let me tell you how time moves It moves from front to back (backwards) Nature is building our (the) future in front of us Because remember that it does not exist So nature is bringing it into existence infront of us Then it breaks it down in the present And then it recycles it from the past (the matter) And takes back into the future to begin and continue the process all over again And nature just keeps chugging along Doing it’s thing And as for other parallel universes , other multiple worlds Well thats not what they are Mathematicians have calculated these theories But they are only partially correct Because I have proven that infact they are not other universes , or other multiple worlds But actually they are infact fractals And they are alot of them !!! (Infinite) amounts As for time moving forwards or backwards I couldn’t really tell from my experiments But I’m guessing that information , signatures , essence , previous existence , what ever you want to call it Might be what’s really moving around But I can say this much I have inadvertently brought things back with me from other deminsions But they didn’t last long They just disappeared , vanished But I did infact come in contact with them (touched them) right before they disappeared I have bumped into an invisible barrier (wall) That quickly wasn’t their anymore After I went to touch it again , to locate it What it was But it wasn’t there anymore And as for (entropy) Knowing how entropy works Is what will enable you , (as well as other factors) To control , manipulate , the many laws of quantum mechanics In the world of quantum physics And if I ever told you how I came to learn all of these things Noone would never believe it !!! 🙂🙂🙂

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