7 Chakra Life Cycles and Crisis Years We All Go Through

Published by
Dmitriy Life Script Doctor

“There seems to be a kind of order in the universe, in the movement of the stars and the turning of the earth and the changing of the seasons, and even in the cycle of human life”.

― Katherine Anne Porter

Nature has taught us everything we know. To reach harmony in life, we all need to learn how to observe Nature and learn the laws that govern our Universe. We as humans are a part of Nature and we also have cycles of our own.

In order to move forward in the spiral of our evolution, we all have to go through the crisis years which happen when we change from one cycle to the next. Some people get stuck in the loop of problems during their crisis years while others are able to overcome the challenges and move to the next level.

If you are following the mission of your higher self, there is no need to be afraid of the crisis years. However, if you keep violating the laws of Nature and keep failing to listen to your own intuition, you might experience certain turbulence with your state of health, personal or professional life during the crisis years.

Major crisis years of the adult life are ages 21, 28 (also called Saturnian death in Astrology), 35, 42 and 49. The first 49 years of human life can be simply described as spiritual childhood.

We observe Nature and learn from it until we grow up. Some of us mature before 49, some never do. A spiritual adult is the one who is able to express their own creative essence and cooperate with the surrounding environment by living a happy life, as Nature intended.

The 7×7 table presented below is based on the seven chakras system and describes the first 49 years of our life. This illustration of the seven chakra life cycles is supported by spiritual science research as well as esoteric teachings.

Contemporary scientific research also has proof that cells of a human body change every 7 years. You can analyze your own life to see if this model of chakra life cycles resonates with you.

The 7 Chakra Life Cycles

1. The main goal of our first 7-year cycle is to ground ourselves.

This life cycle is dominated by the Earth Chakra. During this chakra life cycles, we begin to explore the world around us, our immune system is activated and we begin to form our energy shell or aura.

Our experiences during the first seven years become the foundation of future life we want to build.

2. Our second seven-year cycle is guided by the Sacral chakra.

We begin to embrace our sexual energy, identify ourselves with gender roles and go through puberty. During this life cycle, we are eager to learn new things and are often active in sports. We begin to explore the world outside our family.

3. During the third chakra life cycle, we believe that we are ready to change the world.

Solar Plexus chakra is the leader during this life cycle. We try to find the place where we belong and try to join different social groups. It is the time when we learn the rules society plays by in practice.

Most people lose their virginity during this cycle and it makes us think that we are ready for adult life.

4. After we turn 21 and until 28 we enter the real world of an adult life led by the Heart Chakra.

The main goal of this cycle is to learn how to refine and effectively invest our own emotions in order to get back the best possible results. It is the time to start building our own nest away from the parents, find a way to independently support ourselves and even perhaps start a family.

5. Throat Chakra governs the energies of our fifth seven-year life cycle.

The fifth chakra is responsible for our creativity and willpower. We are free to exercise our creativity and will as long as we stay within the limits of the mission given to us by our higher self.

If we have not done it by this life cycle, it is a great time to establish a true communication channel with our own Spirit (or clear distortions if any).

6. Our inner philosopher is born from 35 to 42. This life cycle is guided by the Third Eye Chakra.

We begin to look for the meaning in everything. We need to walk the walk, we cannot just talk the talk anymore. It is the final battle between the Wisdom of Heart and the Wisdom of Logic.

7. Crown Chakra is the main energy source during the last cycle of our “spiritual childhood”.

It is the time when we have a choice. We can either listen to our ego – stop evolving and begin to decay or we follow the voice of our higher self and begin to cooperate with Nature through realizing our own creative potential that was given to us at birth.

When you grow to be a spiritual adult you need to take responsibility for your own potential and become a fully fledged member of your spiritual hierarchy in order to empower the world around you.

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  • Hello,my name is Dreama ,
    I have a question about the years over 49. soon in my life I knew there was a seven year cycle over me. Looking at the break down of cycles I have been approximately 7 years ahead of what the examples show. I have been a little concerned as I approach my 49th birthday and I have just now started researching the 7 year cycle. Major life changes have happened every 7 years my entire life.starting about 7 months before my birthday really. <y 42 cycle was brain cancer and the lose of several long time friends and my father. I believe before that I was on the crown chakra . I am curious as to this seven years as it is October and doesn't seem to be extremely trying as it has been normal in my life. any ideas ?

  • hi my name is dreama. I am 48. My cycles seem to be 7 years earlier according to the descriptions.My cycles start about 7 months prior to the 7 year mark. So now I seem to be more on what would be my 56 years cycle instead of my 49. The 42 year I lost several close men in my life including my father and was given 6 months to live with brain cancer. the time after this has been the 7th cycle description and those before it seem to fall in line.

  • Hello! This was a very interesting read and made me think up a different theory which to me makes more sense..with the 7 Spiritual Cycles it seems to not allow people to evolve quicker. I am currently 20 and the theory I have just thought up seems to make more sense to me.
    The 7 chakra cycles continuously give us crisis'/traumas to learn from to allow the power of that chakra to thrive.
    I've noticed for myself, every 4 years my heart chakra is questioned, I fall amazingly in love with myself and the world or I crash and tumble-I wonder if others have noticed a 4 year question of love in their life.
    Reading your article it has brought me to understand how the other chakras rule over our life and specifically each year.
    My theory might not be put into words perfectly but I shall try!
    Every year, our Earth Chakra is questioned-we ground ourselves yearly.
    Every two years, our Sacral Chakra is questioned-we have strong emotions and feelings, particularly sexual desires and emotions which we suppress or we allow to thrive or we heal sexual trauma or have sexual trauma
    Every three years our Solar Plexus Chakra is questioned-we strive to find where we belong or who we belong with.
    And so on.
    Writing this now, I can see gaps where people under the maturity of having this chakras bought into play, for example a two year old isn't likely to understand the Sacral Chakra for the sexual side of it but actually perhaps at that age, specific emotions are beginning to be understood: happiness, sadness, ect- and this itself is the Sacral Chakra beginning to open.

    Being 20 my 1st, 2nd, 4th and 5th Chakras are being questioned and are thriving so this is why my theory (still in the process of development) seems to make more sense to me.

    Let me know what you think and thankyou for reading my thoughts-apologies as it wasn't structured the best!
    And thankyou once again for your inspiring article!

Published by
Dmitriy Life Script Doctor