Caroline Hindle, M.A.

Caroline Hindle is a UK-based professional writer, editor, and translator who holds an M.A. in Ancient World Studies from the University of Manchester and has earned the Senior Johnson Prize for Best Finalist in Classical Subjects. She has more than 6 years of professional experience in writing and editing and has worked for companies such as Macmillan Publishers Ltd. Caroline has a wide spectrum of interests, including philosophy, history, science, literature, politics, morality, and popular culture. You can follow her on Linkedin.
What Is the Halo Effect and 5 Ways It Distorts Your Perception of Others

What Is the Halo Effect and 5 Ways It Distorts Your Perception of Others

Have you ever thought you could tell what a person was like just from a superficial impression of them? You…

5 years ago

10 Social Gatherings That Are a Living Nightmare for Any Introvert

Social gatherings, in general, are not an introvert’s strong point at the best of times, but there are certain ones…

7 years ago

3 Classic Novels That Perfectly Explain Why Modern Western Civilization Is Doomed

Some classic novels offer such extraordinary insight into the weaknesses of modern western civilization that they seem almost prophetic. 1. The…

7 years ago

10 Traits an INFP Personality Type Will Immediately Relate to

The INFP personality type, one of the 16 personality types described by the Myers-Briggs personality test, is one of the…

7 years ago

7 Special Talents Introverts Didn’t Know They Had

When we think of introverts, we don’t generally think of special talents. Skills and talents are usually the realm of…

7 years ago

12 Struggles Only an Outgoing Introvert Will Understand

How can there be such a thing as an outgoing introvert? That’s absurd, right? Introversion and extroversion are terms popularized…

7 years ago

10 Reasons Why Highly Intelligent People Have Poor Social Skills

Do you suspect that you're more intelligent than most people, while others assume that you're dumb or slow because of…

7 years ago

7 Ways the System Creates New Generations of Stupid Kids

It’s said that school is a microcosm of society. A society that elevates stupidity will have a school system that…

7 years ago