Can DMT ‘Connect’ the Human Brain to a Parallel Universe?

Published by
Anna LeMind, B.A.

N, N-Dimethyltryptamine (DMT), an endogenous molecule present in the cerebrospinal fluid of humans, was first synthesized in 1957 by Stephen Szara and is considered one of the most powerful psychedelic substances, if not the most powerful ever.

DMT is present in some varieties of mimosa and acacia, and many other plants. The extraction is possible with some solvents such as alcohol, gas oil, hexane, or by distillation. In the Amazon Basin, some tribal peoples have the tradition of using plants containing DMT for magical rituals.

DMT is produced spontaneously by the human brain.

It could be established that it is one of the most “fleeting” substances that have ever been observed in the human body since it remains in the circulation only for 5 minutes.

It has been scientifically demonstrated that the pineal gland (a small endocrine gland in the human brain, also called “third eye”) is able to produce some amounts of DMT, especially at 3-4 a.m., during the REM sleep phase.

In ancient cultures and Eastern philosophy, it has always been considered that the awakening of the “third eye (i.e. the pineal gland) can lead to very high states of consciousness paired with profound spiritual experiences.

What are the effects of DMT?

There have been experiments and studies on DMT by Terence McKenna, a prominent figure in the psychedelic revolution and the author of the extravagant Stoned Ape theory you can read about in this article.

In many interviews, he speaks of a short trip of 20-30 minutes, which brings the mind into a dimension of almost total transcendence, and it seems that it comes from other worlds that pop into our reality, talking and interacting with us.

A few seconds after taking the vapors, you are having a distinct feeling of “being suddenly gone” to a place that is completely different from your actual physical surroundings. Then you experience the first effects of DMT:

  • vivid visual hallucinations,
  • bright colors,
  • altering perceptions of everything you see,
  • a hum/whistle at high frequencies.

After this first state of “semi-consciousness”, it takes you to a higher level, in which the body “sleeps” and you have visions (even if you have your eyes closed) of perfect geometric figures moving like brightly colored phosphorescent fractals.

This phase is characterized by the feeling of being in at least a three-dimensional space where objects and non-terrestrial entities may occur and interact with you. This experience may appear very energetic, fast, and confusing. Within ten minutes, the hallucinations lose vividness, it passes back to the “semi-conscious” state and within 10-20 more minutes, you return to the normal state.

Many of the people who have voluntarily submitted to testing DMT reported that they found themselves in “flying disks” where they spent “about three minutes of our time” among strange “elf machines”, operated by “little people” with gray skin, big eyes and huge skulls.

Rick Strassman’s ideas

Rick Strassman in his book «DMT: The Spirit Molecule», claims that DMT, which is one of the most powerful psychedelic drugs, might provide access to the other planes of existence.

According to him, they are always there and constantly transmit information. But we cannot perceive them because we are simply not designed for this: our ‘program’ keeps us tuned to the standard, mentally ‘normal’ channel. Just a few seconds are needed for the spirit molecule to reach the brain and change the mental channel, opening our minds to other planes of existence, states Strassman.

What if DMT can lead us to parallel worlds?

Theoretical physicists assume that the existence of parallel worlds is based on the phenomenon of interference, writes Strassman. One of the demonstrations of this phenomenon is what happens to the light beam when passing through a narrow hole in the cardboard.

Various rings and colorful edges that appear on the screen on which the light falls are not just the outlines of the cardboard. As a result of more complex experiments, the researchers concluded on the existence of “invisible” light particles that collide with those that we can see, refracting light in unexpected ways.

Parallel worlds interact with each other when interference occurs, says Strassman. According to the theoretical hypothesis, there is an unimaginably huge number of parallel universes, or multiverses, each of which is similar to our own and is subject to the same laws of physics.

This is the reason for the notion that it is not necessary that there is anything particularly strange or exotic about different universes. In theory, they are parallel due to the particles that form them and that are located in different positions in each universe.

David Deutsch’s research

Strassman refers to the British scientist David Deutsch, a leading theorist in this area and author of «The fabric of reality». He has corresponded with Deutsch discussing the likelihood that DMT can alter brain function so as to grant access or knowledge about parallel worlds and the physicist doubted this possibility because it would require «quantum computing».

This phenomenon, according to Deutsch, “could distribute components of a complex task among vast numbers of parallel universes, and then share the results. One of the conditions required for quantum computing is a temperature close to absolute zero.”

That is why the physicist finds prolonged contact between universes in a biological system unlikely.

However, Strassman notes that since DMT is the key substance that changes the brain’s physical properties so that quantum computing may take place at body temperature, establishing contact with parallel universes could be possible.

Final thoughts

DMT is for sure one of the most mind-blowing psychedelic substances. The hallucinations it creates are extremely odd and totally out of this world. The intense effects of this psychedelic drug have given food for all kinds of theories trying to explain this bizarre psychedelic experience.

Considering all the above, some people assume that with the help of the effects of DMT, it might be possible to take a glance into other dimensions or worlds and pertain to another plane of reality, which is different from the physical reality of the waking state of your mind. Of course, there is no solid evidence for this hypothesis, but it’s certainly a very interesting idea to ponder about.

What do you think? Please feel free to share your opinions and experiences on the topic with us.

View Comments

  • It is so unlikely that DMT is making your brain capable of doing quantum computing at body temp. More so that it makes you trip your balls off.

    • We live in a quantum ruled universe and this has an effect on everything even the brain. even tho the other dimensions thing is right. the brain is affected by the rules of this universe witch include the quantum laws. to simulate quantum computing in a machine is a whole other thing witch need coolant amongst other environmental attributes.

  • Chemical molecules can trigger experiences in the brain but yet it can only be temporary and once the chemical molecule is metabolized u are back to where u were or even be much the worse....

    External stimulation can get u just that far....there will be limitations.

    When all the DMT and the zillions of other stuff is inside u....internal stimulation is what u need to check out....

    Try Real Authentic Yoga (Not the commercial ones that are bandied about in the United States) and if u r sincere enough u may experience ALL EXISTENCE as it were.

  • This is it. Under effects of Spirit Molecule right now. This is it.

    Go inside the mind, not out. Experience all of the realities, not just our current one.

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