
Feeling Inadequate? 7 Strategies to Silence Your Inner Critic

Feeling Inadequate? 7 Strategies to Silence Your Inner Critic

It’s easy to criticize yourself, especially when others criticize you too. Feeling inadequate is hard when rebuilding your self-esteem. At…

5 years ago

How the Flow State Supercharges Your Brain and How to Get into It

We all want to be a little bit more productive and we’ve all experienced the extreme focus of flow state,…

5 years ago

What Is the Gambler’s Fallacy and How It Affects Your Decisions

Do you make decisions based on probability, or take the chance? Maybe you have a gambler's fallacy thought process. If…

5 years ago

Why Kant’s Philosophy Is Extremely Relevant to Modern Society

What can Kant's philosophy offer to modern people? The answer is: surprisingly much. Immanuel Kant was born in 1724 in…

5 years ago

9 Signs of Superiority Complex You Could Have Without Even Noticing

Many people have a superiority complex but just don’t recognize the signs. Now’s the time to see these imperfections as…

5 years ago

4 Basic Types of Communication and How to Master Each of Them

Just talking to someone isn’t going to work anymore. You must understand the different types of communication. I can strike…

5 years ago

5 Things That Cause Fear of Failure and How to Overcome It

The fear of failure is more common than you think. Most of us are constantly thinking about what could go…

5 years ago

Feeling Anxious for No Reason? Why It Happens and How to Cope

When money becomes tight, careers get derailed by layoffs or loved ones face serious illnesses, most people naturally feel stressed,…

5 years ago

7 Valuable Skills You Need to Reach Success in Life

What are the skills you will need to achieve success in different areas of your life? Find out more about…

5 years ago

6 Types of Moral Dilemmas in Life and How to Resolve Them

What are moral dilemmas? Moral dilemmas are situations where an individual has to make a choice between two or more…

5 years ago