Introvert’s World

How to Overcome Shyness and Why It Is Not the Same as Introversion

How to Overcome Shyness and Why It Is Not the Same as Introversion

Shyness can be difficult to overcome as it can easily be mistaken for something it’s not. Shyness can hold us…

5 years ago

5 Conflict Resolution Strategies That Work Best for Introverts and Empaths

Conflict resolution strategies are never easy to find, but they are even harder for people who don’t like conflict. If…

5 years ago

7 Jobs for Social Anxiety Sufferers That Involve No or Little Social Interaction

What jobs fit social anxiety sufferers most of all? Finding the right career may be difficult as social interaction as…

5 years ago

INFJ Door Slam: How This Personality Type Deals with Toxic Relationships

The INFJ door slam is the way this personality type deals with toxic people. Why and how does it happen…

6 years ago

6 Overlooked Summer Activities That Are Perfect for Introverts

Popular summer activities like loud beach parties don’t really excite introverts. Quite the opposite, actually. This personality type seeks quiet…

6 years ago

Why Expressing Feelings Can Be Difficult for Introverts (and How to Learn to Do It)

Expressing feelings can be tough for introverts and there are some good reasons why. Fortunately, there are ways you can…

6 years ago

Architect Personality: 6 Contradictory Traits of INTPs That Confuse Other People

People with the architect personality type or INTP are some of the quirkiest and hardest to understand. Many things they…

6 years ago

Good Comebacks to Use When Asked Stupid Questions as an Introvert

When you are an introvert, you can often find yourself being asked some pretty stupid questions. The problem is that when…

6 years ago

How to Make a Phone Call When You Have Phone Phobia and Social Anxiety

Some people struggle to make a phone call, no matter how weird or funny it may sound. However, for socially…

6 years ago

How to Cope with Loneliness When You’re Surrounded by the Wrong People

Being alone and being lonely are two different things entirely. Learning how to cope with loneliness when you’re not physically…

6 years ago