Uncommon Science

What Happens After Death, According to Near-Death Experience Research?

What Happens After Death, According to Near-Death Experience Research?

Near-death experiences could shed light on what happens after death. Is there a beyond? Judge for yourself! Raymond Moody, philosopher,…

12 years ago

Sixth Sense Exists and Helps Us Understand What Other People Think

According to a neuroscientist from Sydney, the phenomenon of sixth sense exists in a form of interaction between people. After…

12 years ago

The Spinning Girl Illusion and Other Popular Optical Illusions

An optical illusion is a mistake in the visual perception of the observed phenomena. In other words, it is a…

12 years ago

The Invisible Power of the Subconscious

There is an invisible force that rules the human will. It's the power of the subconscious mind. It can be…

12 years ago

Scientists Shed Light on the Dark Side of the Universe

What we see in the Universe is only 4% of the total existing mass and energy. Two new studies attempt…

12 years ago

An alternative theory for the Moon formation

For years, scientists have believed that the Moon was created after a clash of a large celestial body into the…

12 years ago

Greek Scientist Reveals the Mechanism of the Learning Process

A study by American scientists with a contribution by a Greek neuroscientist is very close to understanding the mysteries of…

12 years ago

Super Moon: a Unique Celestial Phenomenon in May 2012

This May, we will have a spectacular celestial event - a super moon! The moon's distance from the Earth is…

12 years ago

The Neural Structure of the Brain Looks Like a Chessboard

The human brain is one of the most complex and intriguing organs and it doesn't cease to amaze us. What…

12 years ago

Study: There Are Tens of Billions of Habitable Planets in Our Galaxy

The question of the existence of extraterrestrial life has intrigued millions of people for many ages. Eventually, are we alone…

12 years ago