Human Brain

10 Things That Have a Damaging Effect on the Brain

10 Things That Have a Damaging Effect on the Brain

Did you know that some of the things you could be doing daily have a damaging effect on your brain?…

11 years ago

Is Predicting the Future Possible, According to Science?

Predicting the future is a common topic in the film industry that many of us prefer, including the movie Next…

11 years ago

Pineal Gland: a Quantum Computer in Your Head?

Many have probably heard that our brain has a small body called the pineal gland. It is believed that this…

11 years ago

4 Essential Vitamins That Help with Brain Activity

The body is a highly complicated biological machine, and the brain is no exception. In fact, our brain is so…

11 years ago

Did Humans Come from Water?

Did humans come from water? Let's explore this interesting hypothesis and the arguments that favor this scenario of human evolution.…

11 years ago

The Science of the Human Soul: NDEs and Quantum Physics

Among the most puzzling age-old questions that have occupied humanity are: is there life after death? and what is the…

11 years ago

How Tibetan Nuns Consciously Change Their Body Temperature

Singapore scientists made a surprising discovery, observing Tibetan nuns who were practicing certain meditation techniques. According to the Science Daily, a…

11 years ago

Humanity Is Gradually Becoming Less Intelligent, Claim Scientists

Scientists sound the alarm: at the end of the 19th century, people were much smarter and more creative than they…

11 years ago

Does Free Will Exist or Is It Just an Illusion?

Does free will exist? For centuries, thinkers have been trying to find the answer to this question. Now, experts from…

11 years ago

Science Reveals the Impact of Fear on the Human Brain

The impact of fear on the human brain is very powerful: it completely changes the way we process information. "When…

11 years ago