Unexplained Mysteries

5 Creepy Mysteries You Have Probably Never Heard about

5 Creepy Mysteries You Have Probably Never Heard about

Creepy mysteries make life more interesting wouldn't you think? They fill us with dread but strengthens our hope for the…

12 years ago

Clairvoyance: Is There Any Evidence That It Is Real?

Clairvoyance: these messages from the secret channels of the mind are images suddenly making their appearance to warn us about the future… Many abilities…

12 years ago

5 Unsolved Enigmas of Humanity & Possible Explanations

Some discoveries shed more light on the events of the past, while some others baffle scientists and raise new questions…

12 years ago

Friday the 13th: Why Are We Afraid of It?

For some, Friday the 13th is an ordinary day and for others, it's an unlucky day that causes fear. Up…

12 years ago

Déjà Vu: Scientists vs Mystics

The phrase is French and means "already seen". The deja vu phenomenon describes an experience in which, for a few…

12 years ago

Do You Belong to One of the 5 Indigo Generations?

There are many reasons why you may feel unique. Could you or someone you know be part of the Indigo…

12 years ago

Does Telephone Telepathy Exist?

Has it ever happened to you to hear the phone ringing and know who is calling without looking at the…

12 years ago

13 Most Common Superstitions and Their Origins

We are daily surrounded by superstition. Don’t pass under a ladder, don’t step on broken glass… Where do these common…

12 years ago

The Third Eye in Culture and Science

The ancient legend that humans have a mystical sense organ – the so-called third eye – have deep and strong roots in eastern culture.…

12 years ago

Does the Soul Really Weigh 21 Grams?

Does the soul exist? Does the soul really weigh 21 grams? What happens when a person dies and their soul…

12 years ago