Code of Morality for a Better Life: 4 Rules Everyone Should Live by

Published by
Nick Harding, B.Sc.

I am proud to say that I have learned to live my life by a code of morality. I have found that decisions can be made easily and without regret when they’re based on set rules.

Now, these rules will obviously be influenced by variable circumstance, and not all decisions are able to be made in spite of consequence, so I can’t say that I’m completely sure of myself, but it does help to maintain a beneficial level of confidence.

A lot of people rely on a very similar system of defining right from wrong, whether as it’s written in our base instincts or consciously discerning values. In fact, followers of the Bible have a list of commandments to fall back on in more complicated situations.

Personally, I have defined a moral code which is based on teachings from various religions, my instincts, my experiences, and how I was brought up. Very rarely do I make decisions which disregard these codes, and when I do, I often find myself apologizing.

I’ve mentioned instinct a few times, so far. The type of instinct to which I’m referring is the kind which is learned and programmed into our subconscious. The author of this code can be religion, media, experience, or human nature basics.

The origin of this subconscious software is irrelevant, though, as it is only relevant to this article in the sense that it is what we truly believe to be important in life.

Through this article, I’d like to portray some of my basic moral structuring and the reasons why I choose these personal laws to be governing.

1. Never Lie

Every religion preaches honesty and truth, and the importance of it. However, have you ever noticed that the truth most absolutely does not seem to “set you free”? Have you ever noticed that more often than not, friendship is lost, and people around you are hurt by being honest?

That’s because of the way we live our lives… the substantial percentage of humanity is taught and lives by, life is easier if it’s all a lie. People lie to themselves subconsciously on a multiple-per-hour basis in order to maintain sanity.

People accept lies as validity toward what they want to believe. People expect lies to “make them feel better”. In the end, every one of these lies as abundantly useful as they seem in the immediate present will end up hurting someone.

Lying for validity, or sanity, or simplicity, will always backfire. Every time a circumstance is built on an illusion, that circumstance will undeniably become a hardship with a required explanation.

These lies keep people liking us, not acknowledging our displeasure in their actions, but will ultimately result in their actions disappointing us to the point that we want nothing further to do with them.

If you must lie to maintain a relationship, then the relationship should not exist; if you must hide your actions in a friendship, then your friendship is not prosperous. Be honest, be yourself, and don’t worry about wasting grey matter on maintaining a falsity.

2. The betterment of life as a whole

All decisions and actions should be based on this rule. If you find yourself unsure of what to do, consider all sequential variables which influence the continuation of existence and the betterment of humanity.

By this, I mean, of course, to always consider your fellow humankind. We are influential to the world and subconscious of those around us. Your decisions should define a template for action on which the people around you can use to better themselves, and eventually influence those around them.

Additionally, any decision you make should be in the direct interest of establishing a significant goal in your life, or in the lives of those you care about. Don’t waste your time doing things which don’t influence a single aspect of reality.

3. Laugh and prosper

I have met many people who live very difficult lives and have struggled a lot getting as far as they have. Every single one of them attributed their ability to stay positive and move forward to one simple part of life: laughter.

“A proper, real laugh will make a world of difference. Laugh every day, and you will never have to worry.” I have found that they are right. Through many of my tribulations, I have found that frequent laughter makes life a lot easier to handle. In fact, the only rule for people who rent rooms in my house is that you have to laugh every single day.

4. Most importantly, acknowledge the situational contingencies

Every situation we encounter has variables which are specific to it. Our world isn’t divisible into two categories of decisions; nothing is as simple as yes or no. That shouldn’t overwhelm us, though, because often it is easy to come to what we consider to be the right decision, a decision we can live with.

The situational contingencies which arise in life may sometimes influence the capability to make easy decisions by consulting our moral code. Always, though, living by a structure of morality which helps us to redefine the future of humanity positively will make us better people.

I am proud to say that I have learned to live my life by a code of morality.

Published by
Nick Harding, B.Sc.