What Does Dreaming of Someone Dying Mean? 8 Possible Interpretations

Published by
Janey Davies, B.A. (Hons)

Dreaming of someone dying can mean all kinds of things. Dreams regarding death can have many different connotations.

However, many people believe that dreaming of someone dying is a bad omen. It could be a premonition of the person dying in real life. Death dreams usually signify an end to something, whether it is a relationship or a career. So is this the same when we dream of someone dying?

So what does dreaming of someone mean?

Dreaming that a specific person is dying has particular meanings:

If you dreamed that your parents died, then you could be afraid in real life of losing them. If they are ill, then this makes sense that you would dream of them dying. Another reason is that you are taking up some position of responsibility. It could also mean that you are moving on from an immature lifestyle and settling into a more stable one.

Dreaming that a sibling is dying is a common sign that you are missing them or that you do not see them as much as you would like. It is also a sign that you could be jealous of them, either their lifestyle or their relationships. Dreaming that a partner is dying is often an indication that you are trying to deal with their death in real life.

What other explanations can dreaming of someone dying have?

A change in your circumstances

Death dreams usually mean a change of some sort, as death signifies the end or a rebirth of something. Dreaming of someone dying means that this change or rebirth will happen soon if it has not already started. So you could be looking at a new career, finding a new love interest, or setting new career goals.

You feel betrayed by the person

The most common reason for dreaming of someone dying is that you feel betrayed by them in real life. If you are sad about them dying, then this means you are also sad in real life. However, if you were happy or not bothered that they died, this means that this is their punishment for betraying you and you want revenge.

The person dying has qualities you lack

There are those that believe that the person who is dying possesses certain qualities that you subconsciously lack. Think about the relationship you have with this person, are you jealous of them in real life? Do you envy them and wish you were more like them? This dream could also mean that the qualities this person has are no longer useful for you and it is time to move on.

You are afraid of losing someone

Think about your most important relationships in real life. Are you in danger of losing a special person? This could be that someone close to you is ill, or that you feel a partner is not in love with you anymore? This is quite a common dream and is simply your subconscious mind echoing what you are frightened of in real life.

You feel guilty in real life

Guilt feelings can lead to dreams about someone dying. If something terrible has happened and you think you did not do enough to help, then these types of dreams are your subconscious mind trying to deal with it.

You can even dream about someone dying if you were not actually involved in the event, but typically it will involve a close loved one.

You feel controlled by the person who is dying

This is a very subconscious cry for help. If someone in real life is controlling you to the point where you feel helpless, then dreaming about them dying is a passive way out for you.

Dreaming that they are dying doesn’t mean you want them dead, it is just that you need to escape from their controlling ways.

You fear losing something or someone

Fear of loss is often behind dreams of someone dying. When you value someone highly and you are afraid of losing them, this fear often gets transferred into your subconscious mind as dreaming. It is natural that you are afraid of losing the person you feel most strongly for.

It is sign of pregnancy

This is probably the least likely reason for dreaming of someone dying. There have been reports, however, of women dreaming about seeing a person dying just before they got confirmation of their pregnancy. This could be a literal translation of death as a kind of rebirth.

Dreaming of someone dying does not mean that they will pass away in real life. It is more likely that there is a particular feeling of loss about that person. It could be that you are missing them more than usual and usually occur around important anniversaries. Use your dreams about dying to resolve any issues you have with that person and hopefully, they will stop naturally.

Dreaming of someone dying doesn’t have to mean a bad omen. It all depends on the context and situation you are in at that time.


  1. https://www.huffingtonpost.com
  2. https://www.psychologytoday.com

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  • i had a dream of my crush that im getting really close to and she was dying in my arms and i was crying and screaming so what does that mean does it mean like im scared to lose her or what

    • Most had this dream because your afraid to loose her,this could also be a sign of a new love interest to or rebirth..

  • I have a big problem with dreaming sometimes I wish to stop it but I can’t my dream always come the way it’s sometimes it’s gives a true exact picture of what is about to happen especially terrible scenes that’s about to happen like a death of close friends and family or accident but the problem is that no matter how much prayer I prayed it’s still happen few days ago I dreamed my brother dying I prayed and shared the dream with my sister but unfortunately it wasn’t my brother who’s about but my aunty who got heart attack and died today why does God show me things if he can’t help me to solve the problem several times I see a lot of danger but no solution sometimes it’s not dream I will just see somebody and a voice will tell me what’s about to happen all this things am tired of experiencing since there’s nothing I can do to stop them so why do I see them ??

  • i’ve had different dreams of different random people dying in different ways. (Long stories short..)
    The first was of a random man walking on the street in a city and this car drives by randomly and shoots this guy specifically and then they all start dancing around him (mind you i don’t do any of that worshiping.)
    The next was of me and a whole bunch of random people at a camp (similar to military boot camp) and were doing this practice on the roof and all of a sudden it starts pouring down rain and the adults start saying it’s time to go inside and i start seeing these like flashes of monsters or some kind of deformed humans and they started ripping people apart..
    (i recently found out i was pregnant) Two nights ago, i was walking through a grocery store and there weren’t many people around but i noticed this man and women following me around the store and i told a store clerk about it and the people following me threw something at the clerk and bam, she was dead.. i stood there frozen and they didn’t do anything just poked around my stomach saying there’s a little one in there and then the literally blew up the whole store for me to watch the rest of the people in there die.
    Last night, i had a dream of two random girls closing a food shop down and the one girl (girl A) was heading out and the one trying to kill her (girl B) pulled out her gun and tried to shoot at girl A and she missed luckily, but girl a ran through the parking lot as a little boy (who girl a recognized as girl b’s little brother) and said help your sister is trying to kill me! and the boy says, well so am i and started chasing girl a around the field and the girl turns around and runs into the city while calling the cops, they took forever to locate girl a’s location due to her constant movement but the boy was throwing knives at girl a the whole time and the last two knives i assumed the kid had, one hit her in the back on the opposite side of her heart and the other one right in the neck which actually went through and severed her head off...
    (i know the last one is vivid and detailed. it’s the most memorable one considering it happened LAST night)
    5 march 2019

  • So, i have disturbing death dreams quite often and its getting hard to sleep but last night in my dream 17 people died. Usually its just one person who dies or I'd stumble upon a body. This time in my dream i was in the auditorium at the high school i go to with my parents and a bunch of other people. There was an all girl performance on the stage and i was supposed to go on next. Instead of the auditorium chairs everyone in the audience was sitting in those uncomfortable plastic classroom chairs.
    As we all stood to applaud i heard gunshots. Nobody else heard them and i tried to point them out to my parents. More shots sounded then everyone was screaming. Girls on the stage started dropping in bloody heaps as the bullets hit them and others started jumping from the stage to get away. The bullets were coming from that one room in the back with the spotlights and controls. a middle aged man with grayish wight hair was in there with a gun. I can't remember what type though. He started shooting into the audience and all i could do was drop to the ground behind my chair with my hands on my ears. My mom put her jacket over my and tried to pull me out of the auditorium but i couldn't move. More gun shots more screaming and then i woke up to my alarm..... So if any one can interpret this please let me know?

Published by
Janey Davies, B.A. (Hons)