How the World Will Look in 100 Years

Published by
Anna LeMind, B.A.

Have you ever wondered how the world will be in 100 years?

No one can know it from now, but prominent scientists (physicists, biologists, and sociologists) who study the evolution of society, human life, and the world, in general, make such kinds of predictions based solely on scientific data. This is how the world will look in 100 years, according to scientific estimates.

Embedded computers

According to futurologists Ian Pearson and Patrick Tucker, by 2050, the human body will be embedded with computers, at least in a big part of the population.

By 2075, most of those living in the developed world will have some kind of chips built in their brains to make them work faster and share thoughts in the form of computer files.

Superhuman geniuses

Advancements in genetic engineering and robotics will create human geniuses who will live forever. Does it sound excessive?

It is sure that there will be a way to influence neurons in the brain to increase the intelligence level and with the help of genetics, it will be possible to maintain the human body for many many years. If this happens, death would become an option…

Brain-to-brain communication

Brain-to-brain communication will be taken for granted by scientists. They say that it will become as simple as when you save files to a memory stick and transfer them to another computer.

They call this process “synthetic telepathy” and see the communication as electrical signals, rather than words.

Global currency

According to futurists, it is very likely that a global electronic currency will be created. They say that the number of local currencies will significantly reduce by the mid-century and will gradually disappear.

Nuclear fusion and alternative energy

Nuclear fusion occurs when lightweight atomic nuclei (e.g., isotopes of hydrogen) unite with heavier ones with a simultaneous release of energy (such reactions constantly occur in the Sun, but also in nuclear reactors).

At present, such thermonuclear reactors (such as in Princeton, USA) are experimental, so we do not even know when and how they will be able to provide usable amounts of energy. However, scientists believe that the potential of solar energy and shale gas is likely to increase tremendously.

There will be only three world languages: English, Spanish, and Mandarin Chinese

All the other languages will have no chance to survive through time. Futurists say that it is not a coincidence that many minority languages are already extinct.

The fact that all educated people in the world speak at least one of these languages will further contribute to this phenomenon.

Journeys into space for everyone

Most futurists agree on this and believe that some kind of tourist resort will be created in space, although they will be affordable only for wealthy people.

The deserts will become tropical forests

Even now, leading teams of architects and engineers with the support of the European Union plan to create huge greenhouses in deserts like Sahara, in order to produce food, energy, and water using new technologies.

In these greenhouses, the seawater will be converted to the drinkable one and will be used in cultivation.

In the test facilities of the Sahara Forest Project, which already operate in Qatar, lettuce, peppers, cucumbers, and tomatoes are currently produced. Moreover, a vast park of solar collectors, which could power the whole of Europe, is to be created in the same area in the coming years.

Oceans as a food source

It is one of the future developments scientists are particularly sure of because if the world population continues growing at the same rate, it will reach ten billion. So the food will not be enough.

Thus, the oceans will be used to rear fish and to provide populations with water taken from the algae, which can be modified genetically to release freshwater. Algaculture is already considered a renewable resource.

It will be possible to control the weather

Scientists are sure about the development of a technology that will direct storms, cause rain, and so on. Moreover, because of the intense climatic changes of recent years, ongoing research is conducted to better understand how the weather “works”.

However, since the technological means to control the weather will be quite expensive, it is likely that they will be used only in special cases, for example, to avoid a severe natural disaster.

So this is how the world will look in 100 years, according to science. While no one – even scientists – knows for sure, it is still exciting to make assumptions about what kind of future could await us.

View Comments

  • Interesting article - 100 years might seem so far away but is not really. Technology has progressed much in the past 100 years however much of this seems a little of the realm of science fiction.

  • I think the author's projections are more than a little too early. He seems to have an optimism about the near transhuman developement he's painted but he also seems to have not factored in a realistic understanding of human psychology.

    People simply don't deal with that rate of change very well. In fact, they deal with it so poorly that the market routinely delays release of more advanced products simply to give the public a chance to adjust. We will artificially limit the speed at which society changes if it comes to that, I am fairly sure.

    Also, the idea that people will be embedded with chips (willingly) and will get rid of their native tongues is just silly. have you ever been to Japan? Have you seen how powerfully ethnocentric those people are? They would turn away the cure for cancer if it didn't have a rising sun logo on it. And while I pick on them (lovingly I assure you) they are hardly alone. The world is not going to jettison it's personality for technology's sake.

  • Interestingly, there's already a global electronic currency - Bitcoins!

    There's a couple others out there as well.

  • I have to admit, the weather control is the one I'm most skeptical of, though it's hardly more far-fetched than the others on the list at the moment. My guess is it will be more line "weather nudging" or mild manipulation of some kind.
    That said, as regards the predictions as a whole - I expect them all and wish more than I could say that these guys are right, but looking at the world really carefully today, there are too many existing hang-ups (Religion being chief amongst them) and mind-sets that will prevent any of this from developing and proliferating in the next century.
    I do not deny the inevitability of these developments mind, just the time-frame. Because it's either this sooner or later OR a new dark age as the more narrow-minded and backward thinking gain control and allow the worst of mankind to flourish.
    Great piece, cheers!