How to Let Go of Negative People, Thoughts and Emotions to Bring Perfection in Your Life

Published by
Valerie Soleil, B.A., LL.B.

Constantly being nagged about your choices, being forced to do things that you consider immoral or even getting criticized for every step you take lowers your confidence and self-esteem. What do such negative people do to your personality?

Yes, when one is surrounded by negative people, it impacts their train of thought as well as their actions in a negative way, due to which, one does not come out as an optimistic person. Avoiding such negativity becomes crucial to our self-development.

In this blog, we will discuss the ways that are to be applied if we want to become triumphant in tackling negativity in the form of negative people and thoughts and kick them out of our lives for good.

1. Cut off negative people

What would be better than eradicating the main source of negativity from your surroundings? When a person has positive people with positive thoughts around him, they are more inclined to become optimistic, while the pessimists are those who are surrounded by the complainers and negative people in general.

Therefore, if you spend time with people who inspire and motivate you, you are bound to become more productive and happy on the whole.

2. Find happiness within

Positive people meditate and look for inner peace and energy within themselves rather than looking around and waiting for external stimulation to bring them happiness. That quality of wholesomeness would be nowhere else except within you. Create happiness from within so that you do not have to look for an external source to uplift you.

3. No one else is to be blamed

We must all realize the fact that we are the sole reason for our success and even failure. Human beings find it to be an easier resort to blame somebody or something else for their actions, especially when things do not work out for them.

If you want to be an optimist, make sure to contemplate and let go of all the activities that have brought you close to failure and focus more on the factors that uplifted you and can be further enhanced for your betterment. Start taking the responsibility and you will feel better when you notice positive effects on your personality!

4. Giving up leads to failure

One should look at a failed attempt as another experience, rather than becoming negative, Take it as a chance to learn and grow further. When positive people come across failures in life, rather than feeling down in the dumps, they stand up and fight back to reach their goals instead.

When you realize that failure will only be short-lived if you put all your energy to strive for success, there will be no one stopping you from achieving what you believe in.

5. Invest in memories

They call retail therapy as an act that makes you feel better when you go out and spend money on whatever you feel like buying. For short-term happiness, it surely works. But if you look at it from the point of view of long-term gains, then there are hardly any.

It is better to invest in experiences that would help you in creating beautiful memories, such as planning a trip around the world, surprising a friend or relative by visiting them with gifts and presents, etc.

If you find some or all of the above qualities present in you, then you only need to perfect those more. But if not, would you like to practice any of the ones mentioned here? Do you have any other suggestions to bring wholesomeness to your lives? What is your way of bringing quality to your state of being?

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  • This is so true and it has been really usefull for me. Little things that can make a huige change and impact in your life, I'm a professional interior designer, I try to reflect what I believe in my designs, one of the things I do is transform one simple room, bathroom or living room into a place where you can relax and enjoy, just like in a spa, I currently love my job,is my passion, but it wasn't like this a long time ago, I had to go to a really hard process, cutting people who was dragging me into pessimism, is amazing how this fact affects your life. So thank you for the advises, I'm doing my best to keep my life style as it isw and move forward no matter what difficulty I have and this article has been helpfull.

  • We find that when we establish peace inside, negative people and events melt away in our outer life and we don't have to force events to work in our favor. The power of positivity is truly magical.

  • Hi I was just thinking about the power of suggestion and how to use it to help others by using my mind to do it can you give me instructions to do it.

  • Thanks for the post. It all depends on what is at your "Center". "Be Concentric" is the Key. saying that if our center is Henry Ford we can't be the embelm of peace. However if our center is Christ, everything changes, everything becomes beautiful, everything becomes love...!!! My Muse...

Published by
Valerie Soleil, B.A., LL.B.